Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Shawn's day went beautifully smooth. We have about 24 minutes of IVig, then the 15 minute flush, followed by post-IVig blood draw ((hoping they'll be able to draw the labs from his IV in his left hand that was started in the Cath lab for biopsy this morning)) if not, then one more blood draw and we are done.

I haven't heard anything new on Sid....almost scared to fund out if he survived the surgery to get him on ECMO (heart/lung machine) - but we all know, anything is possible and never give up hope.

For Shawn and I - we'll be heading back to the hotel soon.....you are amazing, Shawn!!

1 comment:

We love, love, love hearing from you. I may not respond to all messages, but I do read every single one of them, and we love them...thank you for all the messages over the years!